Set in England in 1930, the plot revolves around a nineteen-year-old woman named Jennifer, who becomes trapped in a world ruled by young girls who have established a class hierarchy called the Red Crayon Aristocrats.
The game follows a girl named Madotsuki as she dreams. The goal is to seek out and acquire all 24 "effects".
The game represents a unique and unforgettable experience as it transports players in a weird town which crouches, ominous, in the far reaches of an ancient steppe.
It was once a small drover settlement, huddled around a monstrous abattoir—but something about the butchery it was near has changed it.
Garage - This weird machine is said to create a bizarre dark world by working on the subject's subconscious mind.
The player character is thrown into an enclosed world filled with sewage, with decaying wooden buildings and rusted metals.
And he discovers that his body has been changed into something in between a machine and a living creature.
He wanders around this structurally complex maze-like world in search of a way out.
You are a deer. So are the other players. You meet each other in an endless forest on the internet.
The setting is idyllic, the atmosphere peaceful.
You communicate with one another through sounds and body language.
Over the course of the game, there are 5 days. Each day has 4 to 5 different sequences of "dreams." The layouts of the levels constantly change and warp around.
These changes also include who or what is standing at the center of each stage. To change rooms, just simply walk into the wall.